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Our business has grown fast and The 5 Business Levels process was IMMENSELY helpful to our team. We anticipate even more success.
Collins Bolo
Founder - Family Health
Shuaib Timimi's coaching is just awesome. He took my business from 2500 points per day to 6700 points per day in just one month.
Miriam Mukuhi
CEO - Mukuhi Nutrition
I love Timimi. I think he's a GENIUS! I highly, highly recommend going through his business and marketing trainings!
Dan Mugera
Timimi is a master in direct response marketing. I took all my team to learn from him. You must learn from him if you want to grow your business.
Charity Gitari
Wellness Store
Joining Timimi's trainings this year was one of the best investments I have ever made for my business.
Maingi Muasa
Gecko Technologies
Diginess Coaching gets you results. After following the business and marketing advice, my first launch had 51 students.
Warda Harunani
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